We’ve set out to build a system that solves a number of problems for our clients - challenges we have seen play out in other businesses we’ve built. Born from the growth of platforms and communications apps where audiences are congregating away from clients’ owned and operated assets such as brand sites, e-commerce stores, stadiums, festivals, fan sites and more. Moonwalk is designed to increase consumer engagement and purchase frequency using branded digital tokens and APIs. The problems we are addressing have been brewing for a while but arrived at an accelerated pace in 2020 and there is no turning back. The future is here.
Markets dried up, fans disappeared, everything went remote and new business models were required - B2C marketers of all shapes, sizes and industries have to work harder than ever to manage their brands across third party networks trying to increase reach, frequency and monetization. While there are plenty of tools to do this, most focus on the top of the funnel. These efforts are time-consuming and increasingly expensive.
In our early discussions, we’ve received great feedback from sports teams, creators, e-commerce platforms streaming platforms and artists. We have interest from consumer brands as well, all looking for new forms of engagement while also increasing transaction frequency and filling revenue voids - mostly in search of ways to monetize existing audiences whose behavior patterns have shifted.
Not surprisingly, given the excitement around NFTs and collectibles, our offerings are resonating with those looking to enter this new and exploding market as well. With years of domain expertise and adjacent projects underway in this space, Moonwalk is well-positioned to deliver a digital collectibles and NFT offering integrated into a suite of other services.
We offer our clients a distributed rewards and payments system powered by Moonwalk using branded tokens, collectibles, APIs and POS integrations to increase meaningful brand and fan engagement, increase transaction frequency and ROI while capturing distributed audience attention.
Our launch phase includes branded token development and a digital rewards and distribution system with API driven e-commerce integrations. Our unique approach will also include offering collectibles that can be sold as NFTs and linked with a client’s Moonwalk enabled system.
While we have an extensive product roadmap, we’ll be using our launch phase this spring to gather early client feedback and to help inform our priorities.
If you are interested in learning more please join “The Moonwalk” or feel free to reach out to us to become a Moonwalk Launch Partner. We are building with our clients, for our clients and we’d love to have you join us as we launch.